Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge On Seattle = Frances Farmerová sa pomstí Seattlu
It's so relieving = Je tak príjemné
to know that you're leaving = vedieť, že ste odišli
as soon as you get paid = tak skoro ako ste dostali zaplatené
It's so relaxing = Je tak uvoľňujúce
to hear you're asking = počuť ako sa pýtate
wherever you get your way = kdekoľvek nájdete svoju cestu
It's so soothing = Je tak utešujúce
to know that you'll sue me, = vedieť, že ma budete žalovať
this is starting to sound the same = toto už začína byť ohrané
I miss the comfort in being sad = Chýba mi útecha keď som smutný
In her false withness, = V jej falošnom svedectve
we hope you're still with us, = dúfame, že ste stále s nami
to see if they gloar or drown = aby ste videli, či poplávajú, alebo sa utopia
Our favorite patient, = Náš obľúbený pacient
A display of patience, = Prehliadka trpezlivosti
disease-covered Puget Sound = epidémia Puget Soundu
She'll come back as fire, = Ona sa vráti ako oheň
to burn all the liars, = aby spálila všetkých klamárov
and leave a blanket of ash on the ground = a pokryla celú zem popolom
I miss the comfort in being sad = Chýba mi útecha keď som smutný