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Karaoke text písně Nine Lashes - The Intervention

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY n >> Nine Lashes >>
Alba s touto skladbou: World We View,

If I could breathe
The whole world is out
And they want to get me to bleed
And these stolen seconds
They were never mine
So if you believe
That somehow you killed your dream
Just listen close to mine

This whole intervention is mine
I'm failing to mention

We'll start the crossing with the simple lines
Wake up on the other side of
Still held in place, they blame the simple lines
Wake up to the dreams that we have made
The dreams that we have made

See, if we let them take what was ours to conceive
Then these circumstances, they will never die
So if you believe the world has killed your dreams
Just take your turn to shine

Indeed, the brilliant invention is mine
I have their attention

(Tame, tame) tame
We'll start the crossing with the simple lines
Wake up on the other side of
Still held in place, they blame the simple lines
Wake up to the dreams that we have made
The dreams that we have made
The dreams that we have made

This whole intervention is mine
I'm failing to mention
Though the world had cemented its heart
It's starting to break

We'll start the crossing with the simple lines
Wake up on the other side of
Still held in place, they blame the simple lines
Wake up to the dreams that we have

(Tame) tame
We'll start the crossing with the simple lines
Wake up on the other side of
(Sane) sane
Still held in place, they blame the simple lines
Wake up to the dreams that we have made
The dreams that we have made (dreams that we have made)
The dreams that we have

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