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Karaoke text písně Narnia - Back From Hell

Alba s touto skladbou: The Dark Legacy, A Good Day to Die, The Great Fall, Nuclear Fire, Back From Hell,

Where can I run? and where can I hide?
I'm trapped inside, can't find my way out
No place to call home and no one here to carry me
I am a lonely soldier, I fight my own war
Everyone's caught up in themselves
My wounded soul is tearing me down

Into the fire I run
Someone out there, help me to escape
I hear voices from hell so loud and clear
Laughing at me

I'm back
I'm back from hell again
But hell is everywhere
I'm back from hell again
But hell is everywhere

If there's a god in heaven
Have mercy on my fallen soul
My demons are haunting me
They never seem to leave me alone
Insomnia, delusions, I'm dreaming awake
Afraid to fall asleep
Bad memories are haunting me
If you see me come and rescue me

Into the fire I run
Someone out there, help me to escape
I hear voices from hell so loud and clear
Laughing at me

I'm back
I'm back from hell again
But hell is everywhere
I'm back from hell again
But hell is everywhere

Everything is so dark and cold
Death is all I'm longing for
I've killed so many in the name of pride
Can someone hear a suicidal hero's cry?

Into the fire I run
Someone out there, help me to escape
I hear voices from hell so loud and clear
Laughing at me

I'm back
I'm back from hell again
But hell is everywhere
I'm back from hell again
But hell is everywhere

"My soul's been deeply wounded...
So many lives I've sacrificed
So many dreams I've crushed
That keep hunting me every night...
The memories...the soldiers...the mothers and their children...
I need to find peace of mind
So I'm heading on pilgrimage to the ancient city
To restore my sanity"

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