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Lyrics of a song Miike Snow - Silvia

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Alba s touto skladbou: Sará Migliore, Miike Snow,

Reach the city steps tonight
following the power lines
Met a man barside
with eclipses for eyes
and you tell yourself you wont let them touch
Did I say too much did i say enough
I don't know silvia
I don't know silvia

Circle round the room still
reaking my will
know I cant have you here
someone else on your skin

and its all my fault for not getting off
so you made it stop cant you make it stop
You dont know
You dont know


Reach the city steps tonight
following the power lines

and your skin is so right
underneath the black night
and your voice calls out for the coup de grace and the lights Go out will there be a trace?
I dont know silvia
that I loved, silvia
that I loved, silvia

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