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Karaoke text písně Meliah Rage - Beginning of the End

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY m >> Meliah Rage >>
Alba s touto skladbou: Elegance in Black, Self-Destructive Pattern, Kill to Survive, Thor: The Dark World, Odin, Watching Time Run,

The fighting's started
the war's just begun
Screaming soldiers
blindly run
Smoke and fire
claiming your last friend
And the bodies
bleeding on the sand, Its the....
Beginning of the end
Broken heroes
live through these wars
All the thousands
remembered never more
Shattered pieces
drift with the tide
Shot up faces,
screamin through your mind
Marching towards your death
take your last breath... Now!
The fighting's over
the war is done
Battered soldiers
are dead and gone
Smoke and fire
light up the night
Remaining nightmares
rip through your mind
See the war is done
your the only one... Now!

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