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Karaoke text písně McPhee, Katharine - Everywhere I Go

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY m >> McPhee, Katharine >>
Alba s touto skladbou: Desperate Measures, Swan Songs, Katharine McPhee, Love Jones, Ballers, Thickfreakness, Today Is The Day, Unguarded, Let's bang, Catching a tiger,

It's funny how you think you really know yourself
Like you would never lose yourself to someone else
And I was up to thinking it was all about you and me
Silly silly me
I should have never listened to a word you said
But I was always giving in to promises
I never should have gone for
I should never long for you no matter how hard it gets
And I want this to be over
I so want this to be through
In the end somehow it always comes back to you

Cause everywhere I go
No matter what I do boy
I just can't get you out of my head
So it annoys me
(You wasn't man enough)
To come and tell me
(That I was never the one)
Like you said I was
(You could have told someone)
You knew you didn't love me anymore

If you had only told me how you really felt
I could have put my feelings into someone else
But I was busy thinkin' I was where I was supposed to be
Silly silly me
But there was something 'bout you that I couldn't resist
Can't put my finger on it but whatever it is
I never should have stood for it
I know you're no good for me
And that's the way it is

And I want it to be over
I so want it to be through
In the end somehow it always comes back to you

Cause everywhere I go
No matter what I do boy
I just can't get you out of my head
So it annoys me
(You wasn't man enough)
To come and tell me
(That I was never the one)
Like you said I was
(You could have told someone)
You knew you didn't love me anymore

I tell myself
Get over you
It's over right
Right thing to do
And just when I thought I was done
You pull me in for another run
I can't take this
I won't take this
I can't do this
I Won't do it
Even if I know in the end somehow it always comes back to you

Cause everywhere I go
No matter what I do boy
I just can't get you out of my head
So it annoys me
(You wasn't man enough)
To come and tell me
(That I was never the one)
Like you said I was
(You could have told someone)
You knew you didn't love me anymore

Cause everywhere I go
No matter what I do boy
I just can't get you out of my head
So it annoys me
(You wasn't man enough)
To come and tell me
(That I was never the one)
Like you said I was
(You could have told someone)
You knew you didn't love me anymore

Cause everywhere I go
No matter what I do boy
I just can't get you out of my head
So it annoys me
(You wasn't man enough)
To come and tell me
(That I was never the one)
Like you said I was
(You could have told someone)
You knew you didn't love me anymore

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