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Karaoke text písně Mayday Parade - Walk On Water Or Drown

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY m >> Mayday Parade >>
Alba s touto skladbou: A Lesson In Romantics,

Well, this hurts me more than I can stand to say
In just one sitting, you left the room so I could pray
So I'll pace the halls to see
If I could find a hole in something
Or maybe places to escape

Oh, but everybody knows this is the part
Of breaking down in anybody's arms
I'm reaching down and hoping this one's ours
God, please let this stay

And then I fell into pieces and she fell into me
Saying, "Play me a song. It's been too long since I've heard you sing."

You got here just in time
To let me know I was worth saving
It's nothing more than for the heart
Too proud to breathe
But I'm too scared to say the things worth saying
Who knew this trip would be this hard?

As I'm looking to the sky to count the stars
I wonder if you see them where you are
I'm down on both my knees and pray tomorrow brings no pain

And then I fell into pieces and she fell into me
Saying, "Play me a song. It's been too long since I've heard you sing."

And yeah, we all fall to pieces
But at least you fell to me
But this is a wrong night
So tell me goodnight and let it go

I stayed here and you just pray
My head would clear and I'd stay safe
The pieces left the love had changed just saved everything

Oh, and everybody knows this is the part
Of breaking down in anybody's arms
I'm reaching down and hoping this one's ours
God, please let this stay

And then I fell into pieces and she fell into me
Saying, "Play me a song. It's been too long since I've heard you sing."

And then I fell into pieces and she fell into me
Saying, "Play me a song. It's been too long since I've heard you sing."

And yeah, we all fall to pieces
But at least you fell to me
But this is a wrong night
Tell me goodnight and let it go, oh

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