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Karaoke text písně Manhole - Down

Alba s touto skladbou: blink-182 , Greatest Hits, Illumina, Exclusive + The Forever Edition, The fire remains, Hide and Seek, You Know What It Is Vol. 3, Beneath Between Beyond, Lost Dogs (cd 1), Yellow Cavalier,

they say that equality is for everyone black and white, rich and poor male... and female
bullshit and you can fuck that american dream livin in america i know what it means to be on welfare have no
healthcare walk down the street and be scared and unprepared for a system that's built on hate and gives
permission to rape discriminates against color while it wrecks and dis-respects my sex i ain't down.
down for the system thaat's why i resist them lied to and betrayed (listen)
muthafuck the estblishment and all that it standss for censor and dismiss the media and demands for sexual
commodities equality vvoid with anorexic images of bodies destroyed from diets to pills to throwing up till it
kills continual false definition of what sells ten pounds thinner, miss america winner but i ain't down you can
keep your muthafuckin crown
not down for the system that's why i resist them lied to and betrayed-
you've got to raise the critical questions bout their intentions that you were taught to believe talkin it
from the system that's set up to decieve that's set up to decieve based on lies that were taught to you in
school -
historys been polluted they're treatin you like a fool if you think that they're playin it staight today it's
up to you to find out and make it your own way don't buy the lies they try to disguise you say you wanna be
down? you gotta taer it down
so you say that you're politically minded but you stay blinded lokkin for the truth eyes closed, you can't
find it they keep believin it but the way i'm seein it here's how i'm feelin it-
at 10...you suck at 9...you're fucked at 8... you're a sucker at 7... a muthafucker at 6...you're jacked at 5
...staight wack at 4 ...your a clown all the way to 1 and we're done. are ya down?

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