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Karaoke text písně Machine Gun Kelly - End Of The Road

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY m >> Machine Gun Kelly >>
Alba s touto skladbou: Lynyrd Skynyrd 1991 , The Funeral Album, Buried Alive , Stardate With Jerry Lee Lewis, Kiske - Somerville, Into The Wild, Kiske - Somerville, Cooleyhighharmoney, Reality Check, Lace Up,

Ohhh Yeah
It's a long way home
At the end of the road
I'll be pavin' my own way
To the top I'll be here to stay
So take my name
Remember this face
Keep the change and have a nice day
And live for the moment not by the past
Homie live each day like it's your last

All my life
I couldnt fit in like a bad shoe
I was always to square, too cube
Too tall, too weird, too blue
Forget them highschool hotties
Now I'm too cool
I guess I came a long way from that young kid
The schools most popular lame
No friends
No style, no clothes, no ends
Just a bed for sleepin never woke up again
Yeah, and my last prayer
Was don't ever let me end up l
Ike the people that's down here
Cuz the ones that fear change
Be the ones that don't care
Look at themselves
And see somebody else in the mirror
But you could always pick me out of the crowd
Loud mouth with my very own style
And what I know now
Is don't ever pretend
And live every single day like you wont see it again

So take my name
Remember this face
Keep the change and have a nice day
And live for the moment not by the past
Homie live each day like it's your last
And If you only had 24 hours
And 1400 minutes
Before your dreams gone
Then you better go live it
Cuz whatever you love
Could be taken away
So live like it's your dyin day

I dedicate this
To my teachers that never believed in me
And the mother that concieved
But ended up leaving me
I just wish yall could see me smile
This big grin's on the TV now
Uh, and I took it from the bottom to the top
From the holes in my socks
Ramen noodles in the pot
Used to rob 'em on the block
Now they spot me in the drop
Middle finger up
And that ain't gon' stop
I used to take orders
And now I make bets
I used to scrub floors
And now I sign checks
I used to push carts
Now I push songs
Yeah I used to be there
Now I am so gone
I'm fine myself
Found a job myself
Established my name
Then I signed myself
And what I tell myself
Is you did this by yourself
And when I'm on so long
I'll be by myself
I'm gone

So take my name
Remember this face
Keep the change and have a nice day
And live for the moment not by the past
Homie live each day like it's your last
And If you only had 24 hours
And 1400 minutes
Before your dreams gone
Then you better go live it
Cuz whatever you love
Could be taken away
So live like it's your dyin day

I wish I could see their faces
When they heard your boy spittin
Wish I could know what they thinkin
When they heard my first hit
Cuz I remember them wishin
That I wouldn't get big
Now I bet they wishin they wouldn't have said that shit
I came out of a dying city
Brought back life
Everything they said I couldnt do
I did 'bout twice
Multiply that by the battles that we popped each night
That equals out to a celebration
Bitches more ice
Make a toast to the underdogs
Toast to the team
Toast to the fact we this close to the dream
Pour one for my exes
Used to talk wreckless
But now I push benz's
And rock rolex's
Came from the city
And untill they come and get me
Turn around and see the whole east side still with me
And that's how we livin
Ya mans don't change
Look it's still the kid
Still can't tell me god damn thing

So take my name
Remember this face
Keep the change and have a nice day
And live for the moment not by the past
Homie live each day like it's your last
And If you only had 24 hours
And 1400 minutes
Before your dreams gone
Then you better go live it
Cuz whatever you love
Could be taken away
So live like it's your dyin day

It's a long way home
At the end of the road
I'll be pavin' my own way
To the top I'll be here to stay
So take my name
Remember this face
Keep the change and have a nice day
And live for the moment not by the past
Homie live each day like it's your last

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