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Karaoke text písně Machine Gun Kelly - Been Through It All

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY m >> Machine Gun Kelly >>
Alba s touto skladbou: Lace Up,

I can say that I made it
Cuz in my heart I'm the greatest (yeah)
I been through it all
This song is for everyone out there
Who's ever made it through the hard times
You know?
I been through it all
For everyone whos ever had to struggle
For what they wanted in life
This song is for everyone who had to sit through the dark days
Before they saw the light
For everyone who's been through it all
I been through it all
Shoutout to my fans man
This ones for yall baby

Uh, I been through it all
Crazy, because I never thought I'd say that
Naw, the cost to be the boss, never though I'd paid that
Headed to the top
Without the friends I've had since way back
... experiences watching my life play back
Damn, and I aint never sold a brick
But I could show you where to get it
And I could show you how to flip
My whole life has been a hustle
Since my momma bounced on her kid
And I aint never scared of drama
I was born up in the shit
Cuz it was once upon a time mother fucker
We were fine and I was just a little snobby mother fucker
Then it changed
Now these people wanna ride me mother fucker
New environment I pops like get a job mother fucker
Yeah so I did that wasn't with that so I quit that
Told them about my dreams and then they laughed
But I spit that fire couldn't deny it so to quiet that with chip yeah
They'd shut it up and still I won't forget that
Man fuck y'all
And I won't put that behind me
Even though I left the past
And I'm still the kid now
Even though I left the class
I'm on and it took everything from A to Z to do it
So anything I'm talking I've been through it
I been through it all

Had to hustle just to make it through the struggles
But I still won't let that get me down
Threw my bills into music
So the world can hear me all around
Every town and
Every city
Every state and every country
I can say that I made it
Cause in my heart I'm the greatest
Because I been through it all

Look in April I was born at 14 I was a felon
By 18 I had been to more funerals than a Reverand
And right when I felt like I's give it up look what they sent me
My beautiful baby girl straight out of heaven
And I love you girl
And even though that was never a part of the plan
And people doubted it because of who I am
I hope they understand
That at 19 with the world in my hands
I stepped up and handled that shit like a man
I've been homeless I've been broke
Done every drug except for coke
I done fucked for my life
Been jumped shot at and more
I've been rich and I've been poor
Had to steal from the store
On nights there wasn't shit to eat
Seen my best friends go down
So what the fuck could you possibly say to me
The verict is I'm the truth
And you can thank todays jury
But if you wanna judge come walk a mile in my chucks
But the world sucks, better Lace Up, Ughk

I been through it all
Had to hustle just to make it through the struggles
But I still won't let that get me down
Threw my bills into music
So the world can hear me all around
Every town and
Every city
Every state and every country
I can say that I made it
Cause in my heart I'm the greatest
Because I been through it all

Ok, I been made out to be a monster
But the only thing aggresive about me is the will that I have to conquer
I told them I was the best
And they doubted but no longer
Out of all the... they could hear my hunger
And if that's wrong than I don't wanna be right
I'm always dreamin' so I'm gone in the night
And now it's reality I'm calling home like I'll be gone on this flight
But how can I contact a place that doesn't exist in my life
Home, I guess that I'll just be alone for the ride
And live vicariously through anothers eyes
Add it on to the list of lies
So my girl doesn't trust me for shit
Probably cuz after my momma left I ain't trusted a chick
Shit and my father drowning his problems with the bottle
While I'm playing my... I can see tomorrow
Cause cancer ain't a joke
And I just lost one of my best friends
To the pen so I don't wanna live again
I been through it

Had to hustle just to make it through the struggles
But I still won't let that get me down
Threw my bills into music
So the world can hear me all around
I been through it all
Every town and
Every city
Every state and every country
I can say that I made it
Cause in my heart I'm the greatest
Because I been through it all

And if you ever have a dream
Don't be scared to chase that shit man
You can have whatever you want in this life
Don't let anyone tell you different
And shoutout to my fans for helping me achieve my dreams

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