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Lyrics of a song Lovato, Demi - Shadow

>> LYRICS >> LYRICS l >> Lovato, Demi >>
Alba s touto skladbou: In The Zone, All For You, INNOCENCE, Dead Man Walking: The Score, Mustt Mustt, Hard To Love, How To Love, Mellow, Behind the Shadows , Spiral Castle, Pink Tape,

I glanced upon the ground today,
I noticed something,
It followed me along the way.
A figure of gray,
Impersonating every move I make.

For now, We'll call it my shadow.
And it said will you replace it,
So you'll be with me every where I go...

Sentences of yours,
Running throughout my head,
Searching for a chance
To catch my breath,
A never-ending dream,
You'll become a part of me,
Day or night,
Dark or light you'll be,
Taking over that thing called my

And what happens on the days when,
The clouds appear and fade away my
Shade, oh, that's our cue babe,
We'll run away to a place where the sun
Always shines

That not even time could erase,
You're my weakness babe but you give me
Strength, I need you,
I need you like the blood in my veins.

Sentences of yours,
Running throughout my head,
Searching for a chance
To catch my breath,
A never-ending dream,
You'll become a part of me,
Day or night, dark or light you'll be,
Taking over that thing called my

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