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Lyrics of a song Lind, Espen - Missing Her Then

>> LYRICS >> LYRICS l >> Lind, Espen >>
Alba s touto skladbou: Red,

I used to love the girl but
Now i just don't know
Don't get me wrong now she could not
Have loved me more

I'ts just that the time has come for me to be gone
I guess I should be moving along
But when the city calls out her name
I'll be missing her
Oh I'll be missing her then

Missing her then
Missing her then
Missing her so much so much then
Missing her then
Missing her then
Missing her so much then

When I am half asleep sometimes I hear her voice
Wish I could tell her it's all right wish I had a choice

But hey
I guess it was not meant to be
I guess she was not meant for me
And when the city calls out her name
I'll be missing her
Oh I'll be missing her then

Missing her then
Missing her then
Missing her so much so much then
Missing her then
Missing her then
Missing her so much then

I just have to break her heart this one last time
But then she'll find her peace of mind
And when the city calls out her name
I'll be missing her
Oh I'll be missing her then

Missing her then
Missing her then
Missing her so much so much then
Missing her then
Missing her then
Missing her so much then

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