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Karaoke text písně Lil Wayne - Ground Zero

Alba s touto skladbou: Rebirth, Solum Mente Infirmis..., Scream, The Great Fall, Sexond world, Zombie Influx, Freedom Bondage,

Back the hell off
Fuck n roll Jesus with all my nails on
all I need is a blunt and a bail bond
and give these blind motherfuckers something to feel on
Rollin like a motherfucker put your wheels on
and lets roll down the hill til the hill gone
I started on the block but that something to build on
and how can I pray when I got nothing to kneel on

The ground is gone
don’t look now but the ground is gone
I’m so high that the ground is gone
and I don’t even know which cloud I’m on
don’t look down but the ground is gone
don’t look down cause the ground is gone
right now I’m a million miles from home
and I’m so high that the ground is gone

Walk on air.. show me to the edge and I walk off there
We ain't high enuff O'contraire, and sometimes life just dont compare
Say my name baby pull my hair, and Ima fuck you like a bull I swear
I gotta lot of love that I could just share
I gotta lot of drugs that I could just share!
I know I know (?), a nice lil mirror and a little white girl
Way at the top of the mountain... bouncing.
May I be everything but grounded!
I don't ever wanna see the bottom the bottom
I just wanna float, float like Muhammed.
I don't ever wanna see the bottom the bottom
I just wanna float...

Jump-Jump out a window
Lets-Lets-Lets jump off a building baby
Lets Jump-Jump out a window
Lets jump off a building baby
Jump-Jump out a window
Lets-Lets-Lets jump off a building baby
Lets Jump-Jump out a window
Lets jump off a building baby

The ground is gone
don’t look now but the ground is gone
I’m so high that the ground is gone
and I don’t even know which cloud I’m on
don’t look down but the ground is gone
don’t look down cause the ground is gone
right now I’m a million miles from home
and I’m so high that the ground is gone

I know a girl named Crystal her last name Ball
I look into her eyes and I can see it all
I see it when she cry, I’m there when she call
cause I live inside of the mirror on the wall
Kill'em all, die in the spirit of the war
thinkin what am i being spiritual for?
huh shit, cause aint no love die while America drink your blood
it ain't no hurricane it ain't no flood
this some other shit we ain't no of
make that money yeah make that money!
then watch the goverment take that money
but we gon' raise hell, motherfucker get well
laws get passed and economies fail
love, hate, emotion, compulsion, addiction, fiction, virgins
dixons, means, mixing, swinging , switching, swagging,
sweets, freets, faggots, flame, fashion, planes crashing... ground zero

Lets-Lets-Lets jump off a building baby
Lets Jump-Jump out a window-window
Lets jump off a building babyyy

The ground is gone
don’t look now but the ground is gone
I’m so high that the ground is gone
and I don’t even know which cloud I’m on
don’t look down but the ground is gone
don’t look down cause the ground is gone
right now I’m a million miles from home
and I’m so high that the ground is gone

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