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Karaoke text písně Level 42 - Lying Still

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY l >> Level 42 >>
She came thru the door round my place
she was not the same
I reached out my hand to touch her face
she turned her head away
her words flew in empty circles
reasons unexplained
I saw that her thoughts were somewhere else
we made love anyway

lying still in your arms
and the tears came down
she cried her pain
and like the rain that draws a cloud across the sun
the tears flow on
she cried the pain she felt inside

as night touched the sky with moonglow
she opened up her heart
the tides of emotions ebb and flow
washing us apart
we talked thru the night in whispers
as the silent city lay
reasons she gave cut deep and hard
the dawn broke angry grey

lying still in your arms
heartbeats cold
she cried my pain
like thunder rolling thru an aching winter sky
heartbeats cold
her pain
lying still in your arms
but the tears came down
she cried my pain
and like the rain that draws a cloud across the sun
the tears flow on
she cried the pain I felt inside

the future dissolves in the tears
the morning surrenders the years
how can you say our love wasn't real
when I can see how you feel

another time
another place
I won't cry for her
no more
the days go on
but the nights are long
I'll remember her
for sure

still in your arms

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