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Karaoke text písně Lefty - Need To Fill

first in cut down she watches his caress her skin
last call she's ready now it's time to fill the need she feels
ain't no one around she takes a hand the cross she wears around her neck
broken heart she tattoos there

last one standing in the crowd is usually the one she's with
gender doesn't matter to her now it's just to fill the need she feels
ain't no one around he takes her hand the cross she wears around her neck
broken heart she tattoos there now

maybe this one will stay she prays
sunlight shows it's ugly face again

it's time to fill the need to feel
ain't no one around he takes her hand the cross she wears around her neck
broken heart she tattoos there now
ain't no one around she's dying there the phone that lays across the bed
one more call she's got to make

with a need to fill
just a need to fill
need to fill

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