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Karaoke text písně Leah Andreone - Private Affair

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY l >> Leah Andreone >>
Alba s touto skladbou: La Muerte Viva,

written by Leah Andreone
Wish me a good night
It's not a good night night
For me tonight
You'll dream of me
Me tonight with blindfolds on

Lust blinds the eyes
And justifies reasons
But I'll never know
What you know she's stealing

Dive in, dive out
I'll drug a song till you're drunk
Just to drive you mad
You play their strings
You play the pain
The pain you know they lack

Lust blinds the eyes
And justifies reasons
But you'll never know
What I know he's stealing

She'll invite you down
She'll ask you to come
It's a private affair
A private affair

He'll invite me down
He'll ask me to come
It's a private affair
A private affair

Hide our heads in the sand
For sure we'd trust then
My mind is bending
Can you taste the rusted nails we're crucified with

Lust blinds the eyes
And justifies reasons
But they'll never know
What we know they're stealing

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