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Karaoke text písně Leah Andreone - It's Alright It's OK

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY l >> Leah Andreone >>
Broken doll baby
And she says that life's a waste
It doesn't have to be that way

Dad threw away her mom
Her mom gave up his name
Crucified by their words
Nailed by shame

She stares into the sun
Self-inflicted pain
She sees that they're blind
Why does she take all the blame

The rhyme has changed compulsion rules
Mary's little lambs are now raised by wolves
A voyeur with wings flashes a cure
She knows forbidden things they have a lovely lure

It's alright it's ok
Welcome to this life
Killin' time
Just watchin' the grass grow

It's alright it's ok
Welcome to this life
Don't worry sweet baby
Cuz it's over before you know

Persecuted she's not normal
I envy her strange ways
Seven deadly sins
Seize the hour seize the day

Her ideas need expression
Her wounds never bleed
Her beauty lives in my eyes
Too bad she can't see

She doesn't try I watch her spirits die
But giving up the ghost would feel so good
A voyeur with wings flashes a cure
She knows forbidden things they have a lovely lure

It's alright it's ok
Welcome to this life
Killin' time
Just watchin' the grass grow

It's alright it's ok
Welcome to this life
Don't worry sweet baby
Cuz it's over

Chorus 2x

Crumbling Camelot idle teardrops
Cloudy diamonds freebase funhouse
Expecting to fly but she's just standing still
Every time she gets it up she just can't close the deal

So she gives herself another way out
Walks her dog for the 50th time and
Files her nails till they bleed and she cries now
She doesn't have to try

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