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Karaoke text písně Krisiun - The Extremist

Alba s touto skladbou: The Great Execution,

Source of wrath and fury revealed inside of me
The electrifying surge of a corrosive lunacy
Molten destination, I've sold my plagued soul
Impulsive disorder, I bring the fuel to burn

Exalting the words of my hatred faith
Vengeful malediction, I'm locked in a cage of hate
A perpetual venom that feeds my redemption
My soul entangled into a bloody maelstrom
As I passed the gates to a ruthless mental storm

I'm the one you call the extremist – God's forsaken lunatic – Fear to the nations I inflict
I'm the one you call the extremist – Blaspheming thy lord I exist – Desecrating thy faith I insist
I'm the one you call the extremist – Predatory brutal instinct – Rule the lord with iron fist

Demonized burning dementia – Terrorizing pyromania – I burn everything in my way

I'm the one you call the extremist – Your neighbor church in my black list – Ashes of saints under the funeral mist
I'm the one you call the extremist – Infesting predatory lunacy – Purge and pillage I inflict

Source of wrath and fury revealed inside of me
The electrifying surge of a corrosive lunacy
Molten destination, I've sold my plagued soul
Impulsive disorder, I bring the fuel to burn

Exalting the words of my hatred faith
Vengeful malediction, I'm locked in a cage of hate
A perpetual venom that feeds my redemption
My soul entangled into a bloody maelstrom
As I passed the gates to a ruthless mental storm

I'm the one you call the extremist – God's forsaken lunatic – Fear to the nations I inflict
I'm the one you call the extremist – Blaspheming thy lord I exist – Desecrating thy faith I insist

Demonized burning dementia – Terrorizing pyromania
Demonic scorching disease, leads my self to a bliss

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Tuláci v podchodoch audio, FullHD video ... od 75 CZK

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... nabízíme skladby v těchto formátech:

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  • MIDI Tyros (1-5)
  • MIDI PSR (900, 950, 970)
  • MP3 bez ML
  • MP3 s melodickou linkou
  • Video Karaoke s melodickou linkou
  • Video Karaoke bez ML
  • Video Karaoke s ML ve vyšším rozlišení
  • Video Karaoke bez ML ve vyšším rozlišení
  • Video Karaoke pro mobily v 3GP
  • Video Karaoke MP4 s melodickou linkou
  • Video Karaoke MP4 bez ML
  • CD-G Karaoke s ML
  • CD-G Karaoke bez ML
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