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Karaoke text písně Krisiun - Sepulchral Oath

Alba s touto skladbou: Ageless Venomous,

Scorching sun has sunk below
into mortal sands
wind carried ressurection spells
dawn of cursed chants
ritual mortis funeral cult
animal-headed demons evoked
father of terror testifies
with unseen eyes desolated
mummified fallen gods of damnation
impalement of damned entity
awaken to defile-horrors and secrecies

Inner earth chambers dwelled
where divine turns accursed
beyond buried gateways
legions of death revealed
raised monoliths ablazing altars
mountains crowded by graves
crawling for a glorious rebirth
overlords trangressed
condemned to suffocation and thirst
unearthly painful
denied before the portals of amentis
never to rise again


Decomposed - fallen god feed with rottenness
embraced by plague - never to see the divine light
painful journey - ride the nigth of flood and storm
sepulchral oath - denied offerings rot in vain
failed prays - sworn to jackal demigods curse

[repeat chorus]

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