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Karaoke text písně Krisiun - Rise and Confront

Alba s touto skladbou: The Great Execution,

Out of the darkened ominous fog, we surge like a bad tide
Slaying army advancing, we ride like a mudslide

The trumpets of war blow, the ultimate death tone
In a campaign of terror we shall invade, we conquer with attribution and hate

We follow the immortal storm, we march until the scorched earth

Prepare for the confrontation, brutal onslaught and conflagration
Ignite the arrowheads, the mortal rain we cast

Infiltrate, obliterate this territory of pain
Impregnate with massacre, brutal nations clash
Eliminate, lacerate, the siege machinery we bring
Defame with oppression, enraged battalions, front line aggression

Infiltrate, obliterate impregnate with massacre

Honor the down of the dead, those who die in the heat of the conflict
We march until the scorched earth, never to come back home
We follow the immortal storm, never come back to home

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