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Karaoke text písně Krisiun - Evil Mastermind

Alba s touto skladbou: Black Force Domain,

Hear the call of the master
the light that blinds your eyes
the light that set you on fire of violence
from the darkness the voice of command
that pierces your flesh
it must kill your enemies
mutilating and santifying
in the name of glory
calling the evil master of your mind

In the name of your truth
flaming agony and death
to the man of a new world empire
lies and plague are spreading out
violence is the cure
without mercy make blood spill out from their eyes
in the name of your command
morbid shadows of the night

The purification before the soul that rises
the new world empire is gonna be ruined
home of damned
they follow the master of a new age
the age of evil the kingdom of truth
the kingdom of violence
feel the fire taht burns your corpse
call the evil mastermind

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