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Karaoke text písně Krisiun - Ethereal Words

Desolate sands of eternity
Ever descending down the precipice
Deadly dryness desert domain
Sent the silent pestilent breeze
Consume the dreams and prophecies
Of the so worshipped mortal god

Colossal monuments to the empire of madness
Enslaved masses bow to idols of gold
Decayed tombs of royal divinites
Corrupted before the sacred journey
Dreams of unearthly pleasures
Turns into nightmares of desiccation

Exented as aligned to be bloody horizon
Red lands inherit the serpentine death
Rebel legions prayers of the usurper god
The one who burns and casts the plague
Tenebrous shadows of the merciful god
Devour the soul of gods of flesh
Eternal life desiccated unearthly pleasures plagued

Lord's frustration of unearthly pleasures
And eternal life desiccated
Lord's frustration of unearthly pleasures
And eternal life desiccated

Deadly dryness desert domain
Send the silent pestilent breeze
Consume the dreams and prophecies
Of the so worshiped mortal god

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