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Karaoke text písně Krisiun - Dawn of Flagellation

Alba s touto skladbou: Ageless Venomous,

Awaken on thru deserts wasted
as emplaged eternity has passed
blowing winds of scorching twilight
spiritual scourge on me is divine
worm soul blasphemous dissent
extensions of primitive maledictions
treachery of holy scriptures
I became spawned again

Serpents redeemed - mundane rebirth
embraced by thorns - decayed angels fall


Dawn of the grand flagellation - desolated chaos divine
centuries of holocaust - annihilation of nations I have seen
relentless execration - immortal pain for victory
scourged banned land - immense phanteons in flames

Serpents redeemed - mundane rebirth
embraced by thorns - decayed angels fall

[repeat chorus]

Infestation profane of signs of salvation
revelations of luciferian seal
every grace became wounded
as every wound starts to bleed
unsacred liquid of infernal works
thru fire and pain my shadow evoked
abyssal dimensions aligned
unearthly revengeful legions remains

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