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Karaoke text písně Kreator - Under A Total Blackened Sky

Alba s touto skladbou: Enemy of God,

One with the voices
Better left unheard
One with the dark side
The force that turns the earth

One of the mortal
That ignorance protects
Some unleash a future that takes foundation
In their certain death

And I'm seeing red
When I see your face
And I scorn your name

There's a vision brighter than a thousand suns
Rulers fear to face the violence
As stronger it becomes

Until the day we die
We have to live beneath a blackened sky
Under a total blackened sky

One with the dead souls that roam upon the land
Time waits for no man, not even for the damned
One with the carrion
Picking upon the flesh
A perfect evil will prevail, delivering
Remains left to infest

And I'm seeing red
When I see your face
And I scorn your name

There's a vision brighter than a thousand suns
Rulers fear to face the violence
As stronger it becomes

Until the day we die
We have to live beneath a blackened sky
Under a total blackened sky

Fight bound in fight
Demons and gods, Kaisers and fools
Bound in a light, once more for life
Rich and the poor mongers of war
Will heed the call.

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