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Lyrics of a song Joshua Radin - Vegetable Car

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Alba s touto skladbou: Simple Times,

Baby, you don't even know me
But one day I'll get up the courage
As you pass by, you'll see

Oh baby, one look just might save me
I need you to slow by the corner
Stop right in front of me

Til' then, I'll see you hopefully through
I do wish that you'd asked me to ride along
It wouldn't be wrong to tell me more
Than I know about you

She drives a vegetable car
Diesel Mercedes, green, two door
I barely know who you are.
Lisa Loeb glasses
I'd sure like to ask you to stay

Baby, I need you to save me
The one thing that my heart requires
Is that you admire me

Til' then, I'll see you hopefully through
I do wish that you'd asked me to ride along
It wouldn't be wrong to tell me more
Than I know about you

She drives a vegetable car
Diesel Mercedes, green, two door
I barely know who you are.
Lisa Loeb glasses
I'd sure like to ask you to stay

How do i know why the sight of you makes me weak
Each time i see you turn onto my street
Your hair is always up in a bun
This girl's the one

She drives a vegetable car
Diesel Mercedes, green, two door
I barely know who you are.
Lisa Loeb glasses
I'd sure like to ask you to stay
Don't go

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