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Karaoke text písně John Wesley Harding - Election Night (Another Version)

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY j >> John Wesley Harding >>
I met you on Election Night
As we cried over our beer
Nothing you could do would cheer me up
We broke up later that year
How come you and I aren't winners?
Why weren't we born the other side?
And it's raining
And It's raining
On Election Night

You fight, you fight but nothing changes
And when it does the payback's worse
We arrived here in the limo
We're going back home in a hearse
You know we're leaving none the wiser
I guess that we're just not that bright
So I'll see you
I'll see you
Next Election Night

These balloons look so deflated
As they slowly float on down
It's been 4 years we've been waiting
For those balloons to hit the ground
It looks like you backed a real loser
Who thinks that life is black and white
And it's raining
Yes it's raining
On Election Night

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