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Karaoke text písně John Wesley Harding - Dark Dark Heart

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY j >> John Wesley Harding >>
In an office two miles underground
They can't tell night from day
Secretaries typing errors of judgement
In eternally full in-trays
Phones ring in, get put on hold
Well I'm just waiting for my nails to dry
I was coming unstuck with nothing to show
You stuck to him like felt on velcro
But now he's gone solo
He's taken all the amps, smashed the bedside lamp
Taken all the lightbulbs and the decorative wheelclamps
You got a dark dark dark heart
It's the heart of darkness

Now you live in a filing cabinet
You're another painful smiling face
What you had doesn't even have the grace
To be forgotten without a trace
It lies, it cheats, it moans, it bleats
Almost human in every detail
In this stinking room, no-one goes to bed
There's nothing to say that hasn't been said
It's not enough to wish you were dead
You had the last laugh but he didn't know why
He jumped out the window, man, he thought he could fly
You got a dark dark dark heart
It's the heart of darkness

Look at your body well you're lying still
There's a smile across your face
At the funeral yesterday
Your corpse looked out of place
You looked like death to the gathered throng
But I knew you were laughing inside
Something about your sense of humour
Based on innuendo and rumour
You were the ultimate consumer
I took all your things, I threw away your wedding rings
You had a big collection, baby, now they don't look so
You got a dark dark dark heart
It's the heart of darkness

It's 4 am inside my mind
But it's dusk out on the street
The lamps are burning fireflies
Who couldn't stand the heat
I got cool bed linen, baby
So the story should be complete
But somewhere in the back of behind
There's a light that makes me feel unkind
Those stupid things I made you sign
It ain't deus ex machina
It's not some soul subpoena
It's just when things mean nothing it makes you meaner
You got a dark dark dark heart
It's the heart of darkness

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