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Karaoke text písně John Wesley Harding - Careers Service

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY j >> John Wesley Harding >>
It is a 24 hour operation with a skeleton staff
The profits almost double when they cut the work force in half
The boss votes the way the money goes, and the flags fly at half-mast
He believes in the lie that is free enterprise and it just makes me laugh
And it makes me nervous
Careers service
It makes me nervous

You can't walk down the street now the corner-shop's been closed
Who needs nostalgia when it belts you in the nose
Big men put me out of business, made me sell budget garden hose
Left you drunk on overpriced scotch, wearing a plastic rose
And it makes me nervous
Careers service
It makes me nervous
The boys in the queue
The girls in the queue
The men and the women all shouting at you
Whatever happened to careerĂŚs information
Whatever happened to the pride of this nation
No-oneĂŚs giving us good vibrations
You've got your best suit on for the interview
Meeting people you shouldnĂŚt have to meet, doing things you don't want to do
Behind the desk, it's all sex on a casting couch, surely will bite you
You don't even get the understudy amidst all this hullabaloo
And it makes me nervous
Careers service
Well it's so worthless
Careers service
Well it's so worthless

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