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Karaoke text písně John Waite - Have You Seen Her My Friend

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY j >> John Waite >>
The day begins with CNN
And it looks like WWIII
The forecast calls for freezing rain
It doesn't matter much to me
The Wheel of Fortune never turns
It's all insanity
Have you seen her my friend?
I've been up all night
I've been out all day
Though I try to pretend
That she's still in town
And I'll be ok
Till I can hear her footsteps
Outside my door again
I'll wonder if she's lonely like me
Oh, no! no!
Have you seen her my friend?
The dreams I have are troubled dreams
I thought that I could change
The winter's come inside my head
And it's blowing through my brain
The road I'm on won't straighten out
So here I go again
Have you seen her my friend?
I've been up all night
I've been out all day
Though I try to pretend
That she's still in town
And I'll be ok
Till I can hear her footsteps
Outside my door again
I'll wonder if she's lonely like me
Oh, no! no!
Have you seen her my friend?
And if she calls you
Say hello
Don't tell her how things are
The sun may shine tomorrow
Tomorrow baby
Maybe tomorrow
I just don't know
Have you seen her my friend?
I've been up all night
I've been out all day
Though I try to pretend
That she's still in town
And I'll be ok
Have you seen her my friend?
I've been up all night
Out all day
Though I try to pretend
That she's still in town
And I'll be ok
Cause I can feel her
I can sense her
I can feel her everywhere
I can feel her
I can sense her
I can breathe her
In the air
In my world
I can sense her
I believe
And I still care
I can feel her
And I know she's
In my world
She's everywhere
She's everywhere
I can feel her

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