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Karaoke text písně John Waite - Act of Love

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY j >> John Waite >>
Alba s touto skladbou: Mirror Ball (Neil Young & Pearl Jam),

Sometimes I wake up
And I watch you sleep
And in the darkness
I wonder if I'm in too deep
Help-what if it's true
I say the wrong things
Cause I'm just a jealous guy
And I hurt you sometimes
I make you cry
Oh I'm so sorry
You and I fit together hand and glove
What we've got is an act of love
That箂 all
There are good times
And bad times too
You're always there for me
No matter what I do
Don't ever turn away
You're everything I know
You're all I want to see
Feel like a king
When you're standing next to me
And if we disagree don't forget
You and I fit together hand and glove
What we've got is an act of love
Here we go
My love's gigantic as the weather
Our luck can come and go
But as long as we're together
I'm never never gonna wave goodbye
I light a fire
And I lock the doors
I look into your eyes
And I see what I'm looking for
Though sometimes I'm so unsure
You could say I'm out of control
Don't you know what this feels like
What I do-I do everything for you
When I look I look to you
For an act of love
It's all I feel inside
Is just an act of love
The other side of me that hides
Behind an act of love
It's only an act of love
Comin' back on me
Takin' you away
It's only an act of love
Comin' back on me
Comin' back on me
It's only an act of love
Keepin' me wide awake at night
I know it's an act of love
It's only an act of love

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