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Karaoke text písně Jerry Jeff Walker - O.D. Corral

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY j >> Jerry Jeff Walker >>
Bye buckaroos it's the end of another go round
I can see by the look in our eyes that we're finally windin down
To the end of the wrong long time out on the trail it seems
It's time we were headed home to beddie bye and dreams

I'am headed for the 0. D. Corral
I ust a little farther down the trail
I'am headed for the 0. D. Corral

If you see the bear tell him to wait there
Well it's late in the evenin all the stars are out tonight
I am too-so I'am gonna go trippin home by the light
of little bitty rabbits by the road with little bitty flashlights
Showin me all the chuckholes in the road on our way back home tonight

I'am headed for the 0. D. Corral
Just a little farther down the trail
I'am headed for the 0. D. Corral
If you see the bear tell him to wait there.

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