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Karaoke text písně I Mother Earth - Pisser

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY i >> I Mother Earth >>
Lost all my friends pulling down my
Pants just to say hi and I'm still
Alive without a tan, trippin', naked man,
Through the forest who like me
Has fallen right into a kind of grace
Drinking from a river of fine wine just
To ease my mind, then fell on through
The hole I've made looking for a center
In my life and just why I am

I woke in the grass fascinated with
Moving water and the smell of my breath
Rampaging ants carry me to death or a last
Chance and a swing for the fence, instead I
Hit the bottom hard and wide looking for
Escape from the daylight and the passing time
Digging just to find a way someone like me
Gets in the right line for the right ride

At just the right time, hoping it doesn't take
Too long to find a way...

And I hope there's a sign
I hope that it leads me well
On the way
I hope there's a sign
And I hope I can read it right
I'm running on, over and lower
It's slow going half the time
I hope there's a sign
And I hope I can read it right

It seems I've had a lifelong headcold full
Of negatives, mindwarps and eclipsing suns
Like hot air through my underwear while
Sitting in my chocolate chair at home...
It thrills me, turn the lights out and leave
Me alone

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