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Karaoke text písně I Mother Earth - God Rocket (Into The Heart Of Las Vegas)

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY i >> I Mother Earth >>
Undertow, you're thrown
An old God has one bolt left
In flight
An aeroplane in slow motion
While all around are dark days
With all around unsure
I'll hole up in the right place and wait
Until the tide has turned...with anger...i'm dead weight...i'm anchored

The white dove has done
The one world has come down hard
So why not
Share the pain of our ptoblems
When all around are wrong ways
When all around is hurt
I'll roll up in an odd shape and wait
Until the tide has turned...with anger...i'm dead weight...i'm anchored

Can somebody give me the 'all safe'
Can somebody tell me
I'm so well loved in the glow and stain
In the slow parade, will somebody tell me
I'm so well loved

...And the light that shines
Our road has overstated nothing while all the wine and hope
Are like a hill that you will climb slow for something you could
Not ever have
And when you said 'now the dream is dead, our autimns will never rise again'
You were right again and it hurts
Wild awesome friends
They face a plain red sober wind and know the pain
For what it is
They're always the ones who slow the drift
Who live for all that's more than this
Who love for all that burns
To choose their words...with anger...and dead weight...they're anchored

Went looking for something good with August
In the rain and all I've ever saved
I'm stuck at the fork that hids
My road
Why does the ground take hold once every mile from home?

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