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Karaoke text písně I Mother Earth - Cloud Pump

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY i >> I Mother Earth >>
I could settle down then take it slow do the right thing
and gain twenty pounds before next spring when senses are dull
and I hear the rain will fall for sure that would be something soulful
Get it straight, get it right today hesitate or just carry on slow with wonder
A little low on godspeed I didn't know your wet dream made a sound like
an old corvette exploding turning you on while burning a brown hole
in everyone's lightness
Get back underground when the water gets cold
the pushing around never saved your soul get back undergroung
when the fight gets old so get it on and under
with a little help and hope as your rope, jump on the high seat
and fall super gone into the whiteness with your strength all gone
and your crucifix on wrong they'll tear you down to nothing yell it!
Tell it straight, tell me not to fade or to break though it's heavy
I might just wonder why did a nova burst here and what does
an elephant feel in the sun with a red umbrella something is bringing him down
asleep in the mudhole of everyone's conscience
It's coming around quiet and slow it's coming around all sweet
and heavy like a world unfolding fast like a walk in the people's forest singing
we're all on automatic->in a good way you turned it on you turned it upside down.

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