Na starej ubytovni spaval jeden udrzbar
His name is Dick and he is playing on the blues guitar
Po starom linoleu lozilo tam rusov pár
The price of building is much cheaper than gypsy car
Musel dôjsť Michael Kocáb, deratizér number one
What do you want from me? Vanilla Ice is friend of mine
Pražákům těm je tu hej, Rusi dasvidania tam
So shut your mouth, I´m not your dirty mama
I love your girl, she´s loving me, sorry dude
And give me Money, give me car, sorry dude
I got your house, I got your smile, sorry dude
We are so happy, everything is so good
Vypýtal dvadsať euro, je to jedno, čert to ber
Hey Michael, what´s up man? You filthy rich, oh god damn
Dávno má za kolibou odstavený Landrover
Your english is too bad, I hate you man, so see you than!
A to dal veľkú zľavu, čo sa veru nestáva
I thought that Jim is death, so - Common baby light my fire
S vedúcou ubytovne dodnes za to jedáva
She´s so cute my baby blue
Toto je Blues starej ubytovne
Keby ste to nebrali na vedomie
A inak normalny som.
Vsetko nebral ani Morrison.