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Karaoke text písně Hank Snow - Daisy A Day

He remembers the first time he met her he remembers the first thing she said
He remembers the first time he held her and the night that she came to his bed
He remembers her sweet day of saying honey has something gone wrong
He remembers the fun and the teasin' and the reason he wrote her this song
I'll give you a daisy a day dear I'll give you a daisy a day
I'll love you until the rivers run still and the four winds we know blow away

They would walk down the street in the evening and for years I would see them go by
And their love that was more than the clothes that they wore
Could be seen in the gleam in their eyes
As a kid they would take me for candy and I'd love to go tagging along
We'd hold hands while we walked to the corner
And the old man would sing her his song
I'll give you a daisy...
[ fiddle ]
Now he walks down the street in the evening and he stops by the old candy store
And I somehow believe he's believing he's holding her hand like before
For he feels all her love walking with him and he smiles at the things she might say
Then the old man walks up to the hilltop and he gives her a daisy a day
I'll give you a daisy...

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