We put the "F-U" back in fun
Serve it up with a smile
Gym You ain't heard this type of stuff in a while
Class I want your ears right now
Ante up, buck stops here
Heroes Put your hands up, like you plan to volunteer
Ollie ollie Oxy Free
It's Fresh outta detox
Can't afford the doctor's fee
So floor it towards the weed spot
Ok A whole city waitin' for me to fall
Because I made a pretty penny outta nothin' at all
But It's that "circle, cirle, dot, dot"
Cootie shot shit, you know
Just Everybody lovin' it, but ain't nobody touchin' it, yeah
Decaydance takin' over this year
This I feel like dancin' baby hold my fears (So Sexy)
And it's ok to be a little risky (ooooh, Ah the Good Times)
Once Forget work it's all play at the end of the day (ooooh, Ah the Good Times)
Songtexte Just be sure to send the females my way (ooooh, Ah the Good Times)
Songtext Oh look at how cute, we made a mess on the dance floor
Lyrics So let me get a soul clap, that's what we got hands for
Lyric [Clapping]
That's exactly what I've been trying to tell you, Pete, look at 'em
Liedertexte I know you seen 'em as soon as we came in,
Liedertext Pick your jaw up man, it's alright we havin' a good time,
Alle Ha! Stupid...
Mission acccomplished
Operation spike punch successful
Now back to tellin' girls im only nineteen, wowzers!
Gym Bob's parents ain't back for another six hours
So it's just enough time to kill the keg that's in the shower
Class Curse you aquascum, follow the leader
Made today's big fish outta yesterday's bottom feeders
Heroes Until I'm belly up, it's all good times from here on out
It's >From the beginning 'til we clear on out
It's like: this year, my year, you here, who cares?
Ok Focus you candle it, we kill 'em like Crush Management, Please!
But I got no time to player hate
I'm the type to crash your party with "Teddy Ruxpin" and a Slayer tape
And it's ok to be a little risky (ooooh, Ah the Good Times)
This Forget work it's all play at the end of the day (ooooh, Ah the Good Times)
Once Just be sure to send the females my way (ooooh, Ah the Good Times)
Songtexte Oh look at how cute, we made a mess on the dance floor
Songtext So let me get a soul clap, that's what we got hands for
Lyrics [Clapping]
Seriously, for one, if I gave a fuck, my eyes would be locked onto yours,
Lyric And not to nothin' that's goin' on behind your back homey,
Liedertexte For two... Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot, what were you sayin' again? Exactly
Liedertext Ignorance is bliss homey, you my dear make it fact
I'm just curious as to why you take yourself so serious
Alle You missed the joke a year back, man,
The punchline just hit you in the mouth...
And it's ok to be a little risky (ooooh, Ah the Good Times)
Class Forget work it's all play at the end of the day (ooooh, Ah the Good Times)
Heroes Just be sure to send the females my way (ooooh, Ah the Good Times)
And it's ok to be a little risky (ooooh, Ah the Good Times)
Ok Forget work it's all play at the end of the day (ooooh, Ah the Good Times)
But Just be sure to send the females my way (ooooh, Ah the Good Times)