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Více než 1900 karaoke skladeb ve 29 formátech. 1,1 TB pro Váš ON-LINE download. Platba na dobírku, převodem nebo kartou.

Karaoke text písně Gus Gus - Over

Alba s touto skladbou: Nothing and Nowhere, Recycled, Come Closer, Palm trees and power lines, The Melody And The Energetic Nature Of Volume, Historical ~The Highest Nightmare~, GIANIZM ~Nightmare no Kuse ni Namaiki Dazo~, Ultimate Circus, Lady Love, Red River Blue,

We have made our mistakes over
We have gone up and down over and over

Once again I have crossed, double-crossed over
I betrayed our trust, knocked it all over

Over, over, over, over

And I wonder why, why we didn't try this time
Didn't even try, try to make things right over

(As we wonder why, why we didn't try, we didn't try this time) Over
(We didn't even try, try to make things right) Make me
(This time) Over

(As we wonder why, why we didn't try, didn't try this time) Make me over
(We didn't even try, try to make things right) Make me
(This time) Over

(As we wonder why, why we didn't try, we didn't try this time)
(We didn't even try, try to make things right) We didn't try
(This time) Over

We're the wind, this will blow, it will blow over
Is the time, the time to mend over?

Maybe we can dive deep into ourselves over
Find the smallest flame, restart the game over

Over, over, make me over, make me over, over

(As we wonder why, why we didn't try, we didn't try this time)
(We didn't even try, try to make things right this time)

(As we wonder why, why we didn't try, we didn't try this time) Over
(We didn't even try, try to make things right) Make me
(This time) Over

(As we wonder why, why we didn't try, didn't try this time) Make me over
(We didn't even try, try to make things right) Make me
(This time) Over

We didn't try over, over, over, over, over

(As we wonder why, why we didn't try, we didn't try this time)
(We didn't even try, try to make things right this time)

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