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Karaoke text písně Gordon Lightfoot - Pride Of Man

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY g >> Gordon Lightfoot >>
Alba s touto skladbou: Lightfoot!,

Turn around go back down go back the way you came
Can't you see the flash of fire ten times brighter than the day
And behold the mighty city broken in the dust again
Oh God the pride of man broken in the dust again
Turn around go back down go back the way you came
Babylon is laid to waste Egypt's buried in her shame
Their mighty men are beaten down the kings are fallen in the ways
Oh God the pride of man broken in the dust again

Turn around go back down go back the way you came
Terror is on everyside though the leaders are dismayed
Those who put their faith in fire in fire their faith shall be repaid
Oh God the pride of man broken in the dust again

Turn around go back down go back the way you came
Shout a warning to the nations that the sword of god is raised
On Babylon that mighty city rich in treasure wide in fame
It shall cause thy towers to fall and make it be a pyre of flame
Oh God the pride of man broken in the dust again

Thou that dwell on many water rich in treasure wide in fame
Bow unto a god of gold thy pride of might shall be thy shame
Oh God the pride of man broken in the dust again

And only God can lead the people back into the faith again
Thy holy mountain be restored thy mercy on thy people Lord

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