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Karaoke text písně Gold, Marian - Caroline

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY g >> Gold, Marian >>
Alba s touto skladbou: Give Up The Ghost, United, Grand National, Whatever You Want- the Very Best Of Status Quo CD - 1, Live Alive Quo, 12 Gold Bars Vol 2, Live At The N.E.C., Live!, Hello, The Kingdom II,

Caroline says
Are you really sure that you know me
I never met you before, can I trust you
But she's never cautious, no, never, will she ever learn
Wil she always send her dreams and poems to imaginary people

And she's tough, yes, real tough
Standing right in front of the revelation
All of the big city lights may shine on her eternally
And caroline's eyes show feelings not from this world
And if some one asks her, where do you come from
She thinks for a while before she answers

I don't know, I really don't know
And she says, there's no destination on this spiral highway
I don't know, I really don't know
And she says, I can give you names but I can never give you answers
And she says, listen to the music of your soul
Follow where it's telling you to go, follow in the footsteps of your soul
Listen to the music, don't you know, it'll lead you where you what to be
It's playing there for you and me

Caroline says while looking at the polaroid in her hands
Isn't it strange to remember
And when she's out, she never locks the door, she is always like that
She could never ever cope with the real life of the ordinary people
And she says, hey, listen to this, I should be leaving here tomorrow
It's so cold in this city and there's not enough money in the streets
And caroline's eyes show feelings not from this world
And if some one asks her
Where do you go to, she thinks for a while before she answers

I don't know...

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