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Karaoke text písně Funeral For A Friend - Escape artist never die

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY f >> Funeral For A Friend >>
Alba s touto skladbou: Seven Ways To Scream Your Name EP,

The red poison of your lips
The red poison of your eyes
Is where I kissed the blood from,
Just that corner of your mouth where I can see the white of your smile.
Up to my neck
When I'm breathing without you, without you
Up to my eyes
And I'm seeing without you, without you

We'll start a fire,
And burn some bridges
And make it out of here tonight
We'll start a fire,
And burn some bridges
And make it out of here tonight

We need some leverage
We can't seem to open up
The locks are far too tight
And the chains are far too strong, far too strong.
Up to my eyes
And I'm seeing without you, without you
Up to my heart
When I'm bleeding without you, without you.

We'll start a fire,
And burn some bridges
And make it out of here tonight
We'll start a fire,
And burn some bridges
And make it out of here tonight

Please someone help me
I'm dying here in front of you
Please someone help me
I'm dying here in front of you.
With a hundred thousands lights
Timing as everything will
With a hundred thousand lights
Timing, timing is everything to me
Please someone help me
I'm dying here in front of you
Please someone help me
I'm dying here in front of you.
It's everything
It's everything
Timing is everything. It's everything.

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