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Karaoke text písně Fields of The Nephilim - Straight To The Light

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY f >> Fields of The Nephilim >>
Alba s touto skladbou: Mourning Sun,

I will fly again
I will fly again
All our days are numbers
We bare the face of men
The rain, the skies are changing
But I will fly again
Look up, look down
Look up, look down
Look up, look down
Look up
Look straight into the light
{you and I will fly again}
{you and I again}
Look down
Is it the face we know?
Or something beyond the soul?
We served this world like angels
Been burned both night and day
Now we turn with eyes blazing
Well its time for us to go
Look straight into the light
Look straight into the light
You and I will fly again {you and I will fly again}
You and I again {you and I again}
Look down
The sky is burning
No night can fall
Zero dark
(look out)
I'm of the world
(look out)
The light of truth outshines
(look out)
The light of the sun
Open your eyes
Open your eyes
Look straight into the light
Look straight into the light
Look straight into the light
Watching the world fall away
Gathered most high to the flame
(look straight into the light)
Thousands of suns light the way
(look up)
A myriad of Angels await
(look straight into the light)
(Look up, look down)
I will fly again (nephilim child)
Look up
The light of truth
Always outshines the light of the sun
We are wise to ???
I will fly again
Look up

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