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Karaoke text písně Fedde Le Grand - Where We Belong

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY f >> Fedde Le Grand >>
Alba s touto skladbou: The Betrayed , Where We Belong, Epicloud, H2o Just Add Water, Zero to Rage, This Is Our God, The Betrayed, Shiver, Through Yourself & Back Again,

Into the great wide open
Pacing through the universe
Sailed across the darkness
Followed by years of silence

Here we're out in the open
Shooting stars without a hope
Often search of wisdom
High above fallen kingdom

Hold me when the sun is down
Till the morning light awakens
Shadows will be fading
Showing us where we belong

Hold me when the sun is down
Till the morning light awakens
Shadows will be fading
Showing us where we belong

Into the great wide open
Craving for infinity
Hearts are set in fire
Loves are one, true desire

Here we're out in the open
Shooting stars without a hope
Often search of wisdom
High above fallen kingdom

Hold me when the sun is down
Till the morning light awakens
Shadows will be fading
Showing us where we belong

Hold me when the sun is down
Till the morning light awakens
Shadows will be fading
Showing us where we belong

Showing us where we belong
Showing us where we belong

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