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Lyrics of a song Fear Factory - Spinal Compression

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Alba s touto skladbou: Transgression,

Like the knife into my back,
Cold hate within my spine,
Freezing my nerves,
This slow death consumes my mind,
Shock waves through my soul,
Compounding my fears,
This depression on my life,
My dead weight through the years,
I'm going to break...
I've had all that i can take,
Endurance wearing thin,
Everything that's on my mind,
Will crush my soul within,
My feet sink into the ground,
Embeds my roots of fate,
Coursing through my blood vessels,
Reality of hate,
Crushed by this fate, under this weight,
I'm going to break,
Because i've had all that i can take,
Please stop this pressure weighing down on me,
Buried to my neck in waste,
Debris of life itself,
World spinning out of control,
I feel like i'm in hell,
Something's got to change,
Something's got to give,
Existential weight on mind,
Is not my way to live...
Crushed by this fate, under this weight,
I'm going to break,
Because i've had all that i can take,
Please stop this pressure weighing down on me

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