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Lyrics of a song Example - Kids Again (Dimension Remix)

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Alba s touto skladbou: Live Life Living (remixes),

We'll be whoever we wanna be
We'll laugh in the face of teachers
We'll see wherever we wanna see
Run away from home they'll never reach us

I wanna feel oh so young today
I don't wanna do whatever they tell me
I wanna feel oh so young today
So let's behave like kids again

Kids again, kids again
Let's behave like kids again
Kids again, kids again
So let's behave like kids again

So let's behave like kids again

We'll be whoever we wanna be
We'll laugh in the face of teachers
We'll see wherever we wanna see
Run away from home they'll never reach us

I wanna feel oh so young today
I don't wanna do whatever they tell me
I wanna feel oh so young today
So let's behave like kids again

I'm happy with you, but I need the truth
And I miss my youth, it was oh so simple
I'm happy with you, but I need the truth
And I miss my youth, it was oh so simple

Kids again, kids again
Let's behave like kids again
Bring your friends, let's pretend, let's behave like kids again

I wanna feel oh so young today
I don't wanna do whatever they tell me
I wanna feel oh so young today
So let's behave like kids again

Kids again, kids again
Let's behave like kids again
Kids again, kids again
So let's behave like kids again

So let's behave like kids again

We'll be whoever we wanna be
We'll laugh in the face of teachers
We'll see wherever we wanna see
Run away from home they'll never reach us

I wanna feel oh so young today
I don't wanna do whatever they tell me
I wanna feel oh so young today
So let's behave like kids again

I'm happy with you, but I need the truth
And I miss my youth, it was oh so simple
I'm happy with you, but I need the truth
And I miss my youth, it was oh so simple

Kids again, kids again
Let's behave like kids again
Bring your friends, let's pretend, let's behave like kids

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