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Karaoke text písně Etro Anime - Diablo

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY e >> Etro Anime >>
Alba s touto skladbou: 8-Bit Heart, The ways are mystic best of..,

Awake from your slumber
And do what you want
Your life won't be longer
But it sure will be fun
He says when I'm tryin' to make my mind
Two roads, both which insist
He'll tug at my earlobe and he'll whisper
You are what you resist

Sometimes there's a devil sittin' on my shoulder
And I can't find an angel to help me decide
Oh he's gettin heavy as I get older
I've got to find me
An angel someday

Angel are you coming
Or did you give up
I spent all my credit
And pushed all my luck
But these days
I can hardly hold him down
His strength is my crutch
Oh white feathered angel I am waiting
Am I just asking too much

Sometimes there's a devil sittin' on my shoulder
What is it about me he just won't go away
And though we have gotten to like eachother
I've gotta find me
An Angel

He's got a smile that charms me plenty
He'll take dessert before his food
He gives delicious conversation
And then he makes sure
That he's been....understood

Angel, you better come soon

Sometimes there's a devil sittin' on my shoulder
And I can't find an angel to help me decide
Oh he's gettin heavy as I get older
I've got to find me
An angel

Sometimes there's a devil sittin' on my shoulder
What is it about me he just won't go away
And though we have gotten to like eachother
I've gotta find me
An Angel someday

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