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Karaoke text písně Eterne - Delirium

Alba s touto skladbou: Try This, My Dinosaur Life, Pleasures Pave Sewers, Out of the Ashes, Retrospect (DVD), Requiem For The Indifferent, Underwatermoon, Love vole,

Touch the skin as it turns to dust
As the anger fades into words again
Lingering like a stolen god
That threatens to destroy our sin

Forever nothing, desire deceived
Bleeding skin, congealing disease
Wash the filth as it buries your sin
Forever nothing, desire deceived

Pacified by decaying pain
Inspired in this apathy
Feel the dream of delirium
Consume the figure of a stolen god

Forever nothing, desire deceived
Bleeding skin, congealing disease
Wash the filth as it buries your sin
Forever nothing, desire deceived

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