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Karaoke text písně Dream on dreamer - Hear me out

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY d >> Dream on dreamer >>
Alba s touto skladbou: When Broken Is Easily Fixed, On My Way, Details, Make them believe, Naked In The Rain, Loveless,

It's like every breath I take is a debt.
How am I going to pay it back by myself?
Like breathing without the air.
How am I going to know you're there when you're not?
So why can't death set me free?
I'm breathing but I can't believe in what I'm seeing.
When I look into your eyes life lost its meaning.
There is no such thing as failure
Let my words just be your saviour.
I'm still looking for an answer.
I hold my heart until the end.

Accept my flaws for life.
Accept me into your life.
Accept the person I am will never give up this fight.
We always wake up from the deepest of our dreams just a little late.
Can you relate?
I see your backs have turned away.

When all the lights have been switched off,
Way too dark for you to see.
That's exactly my point
When life suffocates me.
I'm always trying not to worry,
Everything will be fine.
I'm sick of empty promises and the fear in my eyes.

It's like every breath I take is a debt.
How am I going to pay it back by myself?
Like breathing without the air.
How am I going to know you're there when you're not?
So why can't death set me free?
Oh why can't love stay with me.

When all the lights have been switched off,
Way too dark for you to see.
And the loveless walk to the edge of the world
With hope to be set free.

Because I live between the pages,
There's no gain where love is lost.
And I'd burn the world,
Just to show I love you most.
This dream's my one foundation,
My future's held to sleep.
The only way I know,
How to set myself free.

There is one thing I've learned
And in fact I'm quite aware.
If the world wants to see you fall
It only takes one second to spare.
I've got my eyes wide open so treat me right.
I've got my hands on my heart so I feel alive.
I've realised that the end isn't suicide.
I was born to live until I die.

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