he doesn't mean a thing to me, = neznamená pre mňa nič
just another pretty face to see, = je len ďalšou peknou tvárou
he's all over town, knockin' 'em down 'a honey = potĺka sa po meste, užíva si zlato
and I'd never let him next to me = a ja by som ho nikdy nepustila k sebe
He's the kind of guy who thinks he's smart, = Je to ten typ chlapa čo si myslí, že je múdry
he's the type that always looks the part, = On je ten typ čo vždy hľadá postavu
it's all in the make, it's all in the take 'a honey = všetko je to vo výrobe, všetko sa berie zlato
and I'd never let him touch my heart, = a nikdy by som ho nenechala dotknúť sa môjho srdca
He didn't mean to catch my eye, = Nechcel upútať moju pozornosť
well he's lucky he just walked on by, = je šťastný že pokračuje ďalej
cause he hasn't met a girl like me, = lebo ešte nestretol dievča ako ja,
are you kidding? = žartuješ?
well I'd tell him that i'd rather die.... = takže som mu povedala, že radšej zomriem...
he doesn't mean a thing to me, = neznamená pre mňa nič
just another pretty face to see, = je len ďalšou peknou tvárou
he's all over town, knockin' 'em down 'a honey = potĺka sa po meste, užíva si zlato
and I'd never let him next to me = a ja by som ho nikdy nepustila k sebe
He's the kind of guy who thinks he's smart, = Je to ten typ chlapa čo si myslí, že je múdry
he's the type that always looks the part, = On je ten typ čo vždy hľadá postavu
it's all in the make, it's all in the take 'a honey = všetko je to vo výrobe, všetko sa berie zlato
and I'd never let him touch my heart, = a nikdy by som ho nenechala dotknúť sa môjho srdca
He didn't mean to catch my eye, = Nechcel upútať moju pozornosť
well he's lucky he just walked on by, = je šťastný že pokračuje ďalej
cause he hasn't met a girl like me, = lebo ešte nestretol dievča ako ja,
are you kidding? = žartuješ?
well I'd tell him that i'd rather die.... = takže som mu povedala, že radšej zomriem...