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Karaoke text písně Copperman, Ross - They'll Never Know

>> KARAOKE TEXTY >> KARAOKE TEXTY c >> Copperman, Ross >>
Alba s touto skladbou: Lickin' On Both Sides, Welcome To Reality,

Oh, baby don't cry, let's get through this night,
overcome is all that you are, is broken inside,
but they'll never know, they'll never know

Don't think that they'll change, they push you away,
far from home, it's all that they are, broken inside,
but they'll never know, they'll never know.

Don't you cry, tonight
Rest your weary eyes
Cuz all that you are is broken inside,
it's nothing you can change,
it's nothing you can hide,
it's nothing you can hide.

Pink flowers and bows, it's all you should know,
the summer days it's all that you are, beautiful child,
but they'll never know, they'll never know.

So, Don't you cry, tonight
Rest your weary eyes
Cuz all that you are, this beautiful child,
it's nothing you can change,
it's nothing you can hide,
it's nothing you can hide.

Cuz all that you are, this beautiful child,
but they'll never know, they'll never know

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